
25th March 2018

Village Open Day

After distributing over 600 leaflets through most letterbox’s in the village the “Village Open Day” on the 25th March attracted over 100 people and we had over 80 people/families sign up with a £1 share to support our aim of providing affordable housing. 


24th March 2018

NEW Website launched for Stoke Gabriel Community Land Trust

Designed by us, grant funded by CLT Network, made locally in Totnes. Information researched and provided by group. 

22nd March 2018

Attending & updating Parish Council & Neighbourhood Plan Group

Monthly Community Networking; attending Parish Council Meetings and Neighbourhood Plan Group, updating on our progress and discussing Affordable Housing need and solutions.

22nd March 2018

Grant of two thousand pounds from Community Housing Fund at S.H.D.C

Grant to support whole community participation and awareness raising, e.g. Village open day, costs for publicity, running costs e.g. hall bookings for meetings, professional memberships and insurance.